Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Simple Life

I have got to stop popping off for the weekend - I mean it. I seem to spend so much time going on 'quick trips' and never get anything accomplished OR any work done. But, with the weather this past weekend in the mid eighties, clear blue skies and a September breeze, how could I pass up a trip to Amish country in Pennsylvania? Not the tourist kind of trip where you are obliged to take buggy rides and dress up in a bonnet but the kind where you get to drive around the farmland seeing acres and acres of corn, wheat and tobacco. Where Monday is wash day and the clothes drying on the line are fresh and crisp and sway gently in the breeze. Time has stood still in Lancaster, a better simpler time where children run around in bare feet, laughing and playing with their siblings. Where the only cars you see are from the tourists, where horse drawn carriages are the only means of transport and ~ where life is pure.

I felt so unbelievably humbled and privileged to be able to get these photos. It's very rare that the Amish allow this at all but I guess it was my lucky day and I was able to chat and laugh with this beautiful family, always being mindful not to outstay my welcome.

Onto a farm machinery auction! My poor husband drove me around for hours looking for real life events and boy did he hit the jackpot! Never did I realize that there would be so much choice! Not just farm equipment but hand cranked washing machines, buggy parts and office desks. I had a field day taking pictures there and no one minded - in fact they were trying to get in on the act!

We decided to stay over night in a charming little motel and then headed out Monday morning to see more of the breathtaking countryside. We were not disappointed - the weather was better than the day before and the cloud formations were unbelievable.

So now, of course, I want to be a photographer and travel the length and breadth of the states, snapping away at all of this beauty. Throw on my jeans and cowboy boots (I bought me some when I was in Nashville!), toss my equipment into the back of my truck (I actually own a chevy Aveo!) and take flight! I will have nothing to think about except my next destination and my long, blond hair (I have shoulder length brown hair) will flow like a river in the wind.
But for now I will just have to dream. Tomorrow I have the delight of sanding furniture all day, grocery shopping and laundry...but I always have my memories!

Wishing you a wonderful week everyone